Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-01
Piano works by Tenerife composers

Little serenade of Ramón GONZELEZ ENRÍQUEZ (1925), Lejanía and Scherzo de Blanca BÁEZ (1920), On the Night of San Juan de Francisco GONZÁLEZ AFONSO (1941), 3 Bagatelas and Fantasy by Juan VICENTE MARRERO (1954), Minimal Habanera and Elegy by Miguel Angel LINARES (1961), Six Variations on a Popular Song of Arístides PÉREZ FARIA (1934), Suite by Armando ALFONSO (1931) and Sonata by Rafael ESTÉVEZ (1961)
Performer: Moses de la Rosa (piano)
Texts: Rosario Alvarez.
Sponsored by UNELCO. O
n the cover: "Arguazo" by Manuel Martín Bethencourt + expand cover
REF: GR-9633-CD/Dep.leg. G.C.392-1996
The selection of piano works by composers linked to Tenerife in the second half of the twentieth century puts us in touch with a poetic intimacy that is heard with great pleasure. Composed of these works in solitude and apart from any rupturistic intention, their authors denote different degrees of expressive ambition and, in any case, interesting technical capabilities, always at the service of communication and beauty.
Play "Little Serenade"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-02
Concert songs

Anaga de Enrique GUIMERÁ CORBELLA (1954), Siz y Serení de Blanca BAEZ de SILVA (1920), Songs of Love and Nostalgia of Miguel Angel LINARES PINEDA (1961), Erotic by Guillermo GARCIA-ALCALDE (1940), Child, The Comet, Temptation and Today Shines the Sun of Armando ALFONSO LOPEZ (1931) and Six Songs of Water and Wind by Lothar SIEMENS HERNANDEZ (1941)
Performers: Isabel García Soto (soprano) and Angels García Gutiérrez (piano
)Texts: Rosario Alvarez.
Sponsored by UNELCO. On
the cover: "El bosque" by Pedro González González. + expand cover
REF: GR-9634-CD/Dep.leg.G.C.1070-1996.The song has been one of the genres preferred by Canarian authors since the 19th century, although many of these repertoires may be encompassed within what is known by "ballroom song". However, the content of this register offers us a very different, profound and felt lyrics, where the great sensitivity of its authors and their technical knowledge put at the service of texts of great poetic quality, canaries mostly, is manifested. The diversity of languages used shows us the varied musical world through which the creative work of its authors runs.
Play "Anaga"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-03
Masters of the bands of Las Palmas, 1809-1996

March for the Canary Granadera of José PALOMINO (1755-1810), Verse for wind septimino of Benito LENTINI (1793-1846), The Surprise (Introduction and Waltz) of Agustín MILLARES TORRES (1826-1896), Las Palmas, April 29 (civil march) of Attilio LEY de la PEA (1844-1878), The Sword of Pain (processional march) of Santiago TEJERA OSSAVARRY (1854-1936), Santiago ASCANIO (pasodoble) by Rafael D'VILA MACAS (1850-1934) , Canar song (Fantasy) by Bernardino VALLE CHINIESTRA (1849-1928), Polka-pasodoble by Antonio MANCHADO VIGLIETTI (1843-1910), Moño and pepper (chotis) by Luis MANCHADO MEDINA (1873-1958) and Carmen MARTINON NAVARRO (1877-1947), Brisas of yesteryear (military march) by José MOYA GUILLON (military march) (1877-1947), Brisas of yesteryear (military march) by José MOYA GUILLON (military march) (military march) 1901-1970), Memories of the Canary Islands (pasodoble) by Pedro REVENTUS GASPAR (1919), The Christ of the Good End (processional march) by Antonio HANNA RIVERO (1 Pepín FORRIOL (pasodoble) by Francisco BRITO BEZEZ (1943) and Los guanches (pasodoble) by Josep María TARRIDAS (1908-1992)
Performers: Municipal Band of Music of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria directed by Felipe Amor Tovar
.Texts: Lothar Siemens Hernánde
z.Sponsored by La Caja de Canarias.
On the cover: "Risco" by José Jorge Oramas + expand cover
REF: GR-9736-CD/Dep.leg.G.C.228-1997
Tour of the repertoires generated by the municipal and military bands of the city of Las Palmas through its history. It contains a sample of most of the directors-composers who were at the forefront of them. They are all small works and circumstances that tell us about the spirit that encouraged its protagonists when it came to creating compositions that had a marked social function.
Play "March for the Canarian Granadera"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-04
Richard H. Stein (1882-1944)

Suite "Canarias", op. 34 / Kanarische Suite, op. 34
Performer: Sergio Alonso (piano)
Texts (in Spanish and German): Lothar Siemens Hernánd
ez.Sponsored by Domingo Alonso-AUDI.
On the cover: "Marina" by Manuel López Ruiz.
+ expand coverRE
F: GR-9737-CD/Dep.leg.G.C.1222-1997
This German composer of Jewish origin took refuge in Gran Canaria at the height of Hitler, living here from 1934 until his death. He had been music director of Radio Berlin and has a fairly respectable catalogue, as seen in the New Grove. In his adopted country he wrote several works such as this long piano suite consisting of 21 issues: Moon night in the Valley of La Orotava.- Songs with shoeed chorus of La Gomera.- Twilight in the cathedral of Las Palmas.- Verbena in La Gomera.- Twilight in the cathedral of Las Palmas.- Verbena in La Gomera. the countryside.- An oasis in Lanzarote.- Little flutists of La Palma.- The bride and groom.- A boy "well" marries.- Women's dispute.- Lonely sepulchre in the spring.- Orphans playing in an old courtyard.- Shy longings.- In memoriam de a young Canarian artist.- The two sisters (lullaby and frivolous song).- The sailor (valverde humorous song).- A "Guajira" to sing it.- Episode: German folk songs aboard a ship.- The sea.- Dances and ancient songs.- Serenata Canarian.- Tejeda.
Play "CanaryEss Suite"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-05
M. Bonnín, X. Zoghbi and J.V. Marrero: Cello and piano sonatas

Sonata in E minor by Manuel BONNO GUERON (1898-1993)*, Sonata for vc and piano "Kymul" by Xavier ZOGHBI MANRIQUE de LARA (1954)** and Sonata for vc and piano by Juan Vicente MARRERO CÓRDOBA (1954)**
Performers: Marks Peters (cello), Jesús Angel Rodríguez* and Sophia Bourguignon** (piano)Texts
: Rosario AlvarezPatroc
inated by CEPSA On the
cover: "La Tarde" of the "Poem of the Atlantic" by Nestor Martín-Fernández de la Torre.
+ expand coverRE
F: GR-9738-CD/Dep.leg.G.C.1223-1997
This chamber duo has been cultivated very little in the Canary Islands, which is why the few works that had been composed until then of this type are gathered here. These are three scores by composers from two different generations of the twentieth century, who manifest styles far removed from each other, albeit with a common denominator: their great expressiveness and their cult of melody.
Play "Sonata in E minor"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-06
Manuel Bonnín, Piano Sonata in mi m – Armando Alfonso, Variations on the "Arrorró".

Performer: Sophia Bourguignon (pian
o)Texts: Rosario Alva
rezPatrocinated by the Cabildo culture area of Tenerif
e.On the cover: "Wet road" by Francisco Bonnín Guerín. + expand coverRE
F: GR-9840-CD/Dep.leg.G.C.1223-1998
These two piano scores by composers of different generations show us within their peculiar languages the best that piano writing has produced in Tenerife. The sonata of Manuel Bonnín Guerín (1898-1993), composed in the 1930s, of a post-romanticism of interwar, with a great load of chromatic and enharmonic ambiguity, is very unique, while the 14 variations on the song of Canarian cradle, written by Armando Alfonso (1931) at the death of his father, the pianist and composer Javier Alfonso, are very interesting for the marked contrasts of styles and techniques that he introduces in them.
Play "Piano Sonata in E minor"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-07
The guitarist-composers of the 20th century

Waltz in harmonics and Studio No. 1 by Carmelo CABRAL LLARENA LLarena (1881-1956), Evocation (mazurka, op. 1) and Autumn Roses (improvisation, op. 10) by Pedro LÓPEZ ARENCIBIA (1892-1956), Añoranza y Plegaria Arab by Santiago Alvarez REGALADO (1896-1939), Dark Night by Manuel MARRERO de ARMAS (1907), Capriccio-Rondó (Chromatic Study) and Malague de Ronda (1907), Capriccio-Rondó (Chromatic Study) and Malague de Ronda (1907), Capriccio-Rondó (Chromatic Study) and Malague de Ronda (1907) about classical falsettos) by Rafael RAMREZ FERRERA (1910-??), The Guitar by Mulay-Jilaly and The Singing of Lai-la (studio) by Francisco ALCAZAR SARMIENTO (1914-1993), Nanita and El baile del candil de Blas SNCHEZ HERNANDEZ (1935) , Studies No. 7 and No. 5 and Habanera de Efrén CASAAS RODR-DER-Z (1941-1986), Folías y Danza Canaria de Olímpiades GARCIA ORTEGA (194 1), Study No. 3 and Vals-Malambo de Benjamin DOM-UEZ MONTESDEOCA (1949), and Kokila by Joaquín PRATS MORENO "SANGEET" (1958).
Performers: José Ma Ramírez, José Angel Batista, Silvestre Alvarez, Javier Infante, Fernando Bautista, Juan José Monzón and Joaquín Prats Mo
reno.Texts: Fernando Bautista Vizc
aíno.Sponsored by the University Foundation of Las Palm
as.On the cover: "Hands on musical instruments" by Juan Ismael. + expand COVER
: DCD-094/Dep.leg. G.C.801-1999.
Here are collected 20 pieces of guitarists from three different generations: the one of the beginning of the century and interwar (Carmelo Cabral, López Arencibia and Santiago Alvarez), that of the Republic (Manuel Marrero de Armas, Rafael Ramírez Ferrera and Francisco Alcázar) and that of Francoism (Blas Sánchez, Efrén Casañas, Olímpiades García, Benjamín Domínz and Joaquín Prats). Guitarists as composers are an inbred and very curious musical world: intimate, close, descriptive
Play "Vals in Harmonic and Study No. 1"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-08
Mateo Guerra (Las Palmas, 1735-1791): Motets and Carols, with soloists, choirs and orchestra.

I. What a new joy, II. Easter that by one maybe, III. Four motes to Mary Magdalene, IV. Benedictus, V. Ave maris stella, VI. Sweet Mary and VII. Hail Regina.
Performers: Dulce Ma Sánchez (soprano), Pedro Camacho (tenor), José A. García (bass). Schola Cantorum of the University of Las Palmas and Instrumental Group of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, led by Emilio Tabraue.Te
xts: Cristina Molina Roldán and Lothar Siemens Hernández
.Sponsored by UNELCO. O
n the cover: Detail of the "Birth of the Virgin" by Juan de Miranda. + expand COVER
: GR-9949-CD/Dep. leg. G.C.931-1999.
First record dedicated to the abundant religious work of the cathedral of Las Palmas. In this case it is works by one of the few Canarian composers of the eighteenth century, disciple of the Valencian master Joaquín García, who was second organist, singer and interim successor of his master in the music chapel of the Gran canarian cathedral. Of his meager preserved work, ten works are unveiled here, some in Latin and others in Spanish, written for various instrumental and vocal combinations. Two other works of his appear on CD-24.
Play "I. What a new joy"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-09
Camera works for small wind sets

Serenade for two horns and two trombones of Agustín MILLARES TORRES (1826-1896), Scherzo for quintet of José MOYA GUILLON (1901-1970), Watercolor of Castile by José RODRÍGUEZ CABRERO (1904-1991), Añavingo de Aríst SEREZ FARIA (1934), The Garden of the Furriela of Francisco BRITO BEZEZ (1943), Italian Backlight of Lothar SIEMENS HERNANDEZ (1941), Concretions of a microseis of Elisha GERMAN (1938), Arsium by Angel FERNANDO CURBELO (1966) , Integration of Juan José FALCON SANABRIA (1936) and Three movements for wind sextet by Daniel ROCA ARENCIBIA (1965).
Performers: Wind soloists of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Gran Canaria coordinated by Elisa Verde.T
exts: Lothar Siemens Hernández.S
ponsored by La Caja de Canarias.On t
he cover: "In the exhibition" by Antonio Padrón.
+ expand COVER:
Except for three works belonging to authors of the past, the remaining repertoire is due to current authors, who have created a suggestive world for wind formations, very little worked in the history of Canarian music. It mixes different languages and different combinations, ranging from trio to sextet through the quartet and quintet.
Play "Serenade for two tubes and two trombones"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-10
Symphonies of Carlos Guigou y Poujol (1799-1851)

Symphonies for great orchestra in sol m and re m, plus the Concerto for orchestra no. 18 in Re M.
Performers: Orchestra Santa María de Lucerna conducted by Gloria Isabel Ramos Tria
no.Texts: Rosario Alvar
ez.Sponsors of production, Canary Islands Music Festival; of the edition, Teleférico del Pico de Teide, S.A. On
the cover: "Queen Ma Cristina de Borbón" by Luis de la Cruz.
+ expand coverRE
F: FANCD 005/Dep.leg.TF 1459-1999
The symphonies of this French composer based in Tenerife from 1828 until his death, promoter of the first orchestra that had Santa Cruz de Tenerife and philharmonic associationism, are classicist with certain romantic brushstrokes. It also includes one of his eighteen spiritual concerts for the Corpus "naps". These works are a rare product in Spain of the first half of the nineteenth century, where symphonic repertoires are very scarce. It is a "live" recording by the Orchestra Santa María de Lucerne, which conducts the Tenerife Gloria Isabel Ramos, current conductor of the Córdoba Orchestra.
Play "Symphony for Great Orchestra…"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-11
String Quartets I

Cinco Nanas for string quartet by Luis COBIELLA CUEVAS (1925), Rondó for string quartet by Xavier ZOGHBI (1954), String Quartet "Texturas" by Miguel Angel LINARES (1961), "Zéthesis", four pieces for Javier CENTENERA's string quartet (1958), String Quartet No. 1 "Dies Irae" by Juan Manuel RUZ (1968) and String Quartet by Ricardo FERNANDEZ (1965).
Intépretes: Contemporary Quartet of Las Palmas formed by Mariana Abacioae (violin 1st), eel Ptchelnik (violin 2nd), Patrick Dussart (viola) and Sergeiov Mikhail (cello).
Texts: Lothar Siemens Hernández
.Sponsored by The Canary Museum.
On the cover: "Marina" by Manolo Ruiz.
+ expand COVER
: DCD-116/Dep.leg. G.c. 949-2000
In this first CD dedicated to the creations for string quartet is collected a selective sample of the Canarian production that occurred between the seventies and the end of the twentieth century, in which a varied musical universe with very personal languages is deployed.
Play "Five Nanas for Quartet"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-12
Juan José Falcón

Celebration of sound, Hesperidum and Symphonic Adagio.
Performers: Tenerife Symphony Orchestra conducted by Víctor Pablo Pérez with the Choir of the Conservatory of Music of Tenerife and the Choral "Reyes Bartlet", acting as choirmaster Carmen Cruz Sim
ó.Texts: Guillermo García-Alcald
e.Sponsors of the production, Insular Board of Music of the Cabildo de Tenerife; and the edition, Editorial Prensa Canaria S.A.On
the cover: "Paisaje con viento" by Ildefonso Aguilar.
+ expand COVER
: DCD-105/Dep.leg. G.C.1436-1999.
Included here are three works from the extensive symphonic production of this Canarian composer that, until now, is the one that has had the greatest international projection. All three have been recorded live during the OST concerts, being Hesperidum for choirs and orchestra a work commissioned by the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife for the Fifth Centenary of the city. It premiered on May 3, 1994 at the Teatro Guimerá.
Play "Sound Celebration,…"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-13
Symphonic works for band

Variations on the "Aires de Lima" by Agustín RAMOS RAMOS (1941), Sureña by Francisco GONZÁLEZ AFONSO (1941), Pentatón de Ramón GONZÁLEZ ENRÍQUEZ (1925) and In the Shadow of the Teide de Arístides PÉREZ FARIIA (1934).
Performers: Youth Band of the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Santa Cruz de Tenerife directed by Agustín Ramo
s.Texts: Rosario Alvare
z.Sponsored by Caja Rural de Tenerife.
On the cover: "Girl with basket" by Pedro Guezala.
+ expand COVER
: FANCD-002/Dep.leg. TF1503/1998
The Canarian repertoires for band are very abundant, due to the importance that these ensembles have had in the Archipelago, but leaving for future editions the historical ones, this record includes four works for symphonic band of those current composers who have worked the most for this genre. In them the folkloric theme quote is made present
Play "Variations on the Lima Airs"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-14
Works for string orchestra

Capricho de Manuel BONNON GUERON (1898-1993), Arieta and canon of Juan REYES BARTLET (1889-1967), Responsibility for Fray Lesco de Víctor DORESTE GRANDE (1902-1966), Interludio de Gabriel ROD (1904-1963), Nocturno No. 3 by Manuel PEATE Alvarez (1896-1971), Variations on an implicit theme by Daniel ROCA ARENCIBIA (1965) and The Market of Francisco BRITO BáEZ (1943)
Performers: "Orquesta de Cámara de Gran Canaria" conducted by Alexei Shatskiy
.Texts: Lothar Siemens Hernández.
Sponsored by La Caja de Canarias.On
the cover: "Castillo de San Cristobal" by Nicolás Massieu.
+ expand coverRE
F: GR-0058-CD/Dep.leg.G.C.914-2000
Included in this register is most works that for string orchestra have been produced in the Canary Islands in the twentieth century. Written the oldest after the civil war, they ooze nostalgia and expressiveness within their elegiac character. In contrast, and taking a considerable generational leap, due to the pitiful infertility that there was over a few decades, two pieces of two more current Gran canarian composers are included: Brito and Roca. His different speeches move within other budgets.
Play "Capricho"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-15
Joaquín García (Anna/Valencia, ca.1710-Las Palmas G.C,1779)

Sung, Carols and Motets with instruments.
Performers: GRUPO ZARABANDA (with historical instruments), María Espada (soprano), Lluís Vilamajó (tenor), Manuel Cid (baritone) and Augusto Brito (baritone 2o), directed by Alvaro Mar
ías.Texts: Lothar Siemens Hernán
dez.Sponsors of the production, Canary Islands Music Festival; of the edition, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
On the cover: "Eucharistic Triumph". Anonymous from the early 18th century.
+ expand coverRE
F:GR-0059-CD/Dep.leg: G.C.-915-2000
A small sample of the very large production of this composer and chapel master of the Cathedral of Las Palmas is offered here, who modernized the music of the chapel by introducing the instruments then into vogue. Having been at the helm of this institution for more than forty years (1735-1779) he bequeathed us more than 600 works, most of them in Spanish, apart from the well-known Latin liturgical pieces. Among them are cult carols, Spanish tones and songs of Italianizing court, such as those included in this recording.
Play "Singing, Carols and…"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-16
Enrique Guimerá (1954): Chamber works

Variations for string orchestra, Duetto for clarinet and marimba, Tajazzraste for string orchestra and piano, Haikústicos for five marimbas, Epigram for bass clarinet and piano and Suite for violin and viola.
Performers: Chamber Orchestra of Tenerife conducted by Patrick Doumeng and soloists of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra.Te
xts: Marisa Gordo Casamayor.Col
laborate in the production: Vice-Counsel of Culture and Sports of the Autonomous Government, SOCAEM and Culture Area of the Cabildo de Te
nerife.Sponsor of the edition: Montesa
no.On cover: "Topography" of Orihuela.
+ Expand coverRE
F: DCD-121/Dep.leg: G.C.-1479-2000
Monographic record dedicated to this multifaceted Tenerife author of very wide cameristic production and multiple compositional facets: cinema and audiovisuals, jazz, rock, ballet, theater and classical music. The variety of combinations and means used in this repertoire offer an attractive and significant spectrum of his work in the field of classical, to which he has devoted primarily his efforts in recent years.
Play "Variations for String Orchestra"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-17
Francisco Alcázar (1914-1993) and Efrén Casañas (1941-1986)

Integral to his guitar works.
Performer: Fernando Bautista Vizcaíno.
Texts: Lothar Siemens Hernández and Fernando Bautista Vizcaí
no.Sponsored by NOGAL METAL.
On the cover: "The Guitar of the Sea" by Juan Ismael.
+ expand COVER
: DCD-137/Dep.leg. GC-1-2001
The album CD-07 offered a tour of the work of the main Canarian guitarists-composers, composed between 1900 and 1980 approximately. This anthology and historical review already collected two works from each of the guitarists whose integral production we now offer. He is a teacher, Alcazar, and his most seasoned disciple, Casañas, who as a pedagogue was in turn the germ of the most recent guitar generations of today in Gran Canaria. The works are also performed by one of the most prestigious disciples of Casañas: Fernando Bautista, who pays homage with this CD to his teacher and to the teacher of his master.
Play "Integral of his works for guitar"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-18
Symphonic works from the 2nd half of the 19th century

Symphony "For my homeland and for my homeland" of Santiago TEJERA OSSAVARRY (1852-1936), Symphony "La Esperanza" by Manuel RODRÍGUEZ and MOLINA (1835-1877) and Symphony in the m and Polish concert of Teobaldo POWER and LUGO-VIIA (1848-1884).
Performers: Tenerife Symphony Orchestra.Di
rectors: From the first work, Gloria Isabel Ramos Triano, of the second, Vernon Handley, and of the last two, Víctor Pablo Pérez
.Texts: Rosario Alvarez.
Sponsors of the production, Board of Music of the Cabildo de Tenerife; and the edition, Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
On the cover: "Landscape" by Nicolás Alfaro. + expand coverRE
F: DCD-123/Dep.leg: G.C.1512-2000.
Four symphonic works are offered here, belonging to two of them to authors attached to the orbit of Las Palmas, Tejera and Rodríguez, and two others of the most emblematic composer of the islands, Teobaldo Power. Tejera was a native of the city of Las Palmas and in it developed his entire career, while the Granada Rodríguez and Molina, who died prematurely, did a great job at the head of the orchestra of the Philharmonic Society of Las Palmas between 1867 and 1877. The two works of these authors have the peculiarity of having won ex-aequo the prize of the competition that the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country of Las Palmas convened in 1877 to celebrate its first centenary. Power's works, on the other hand, were composed in Madrid for the Concert Society.
Play "Symphony For My Homeland…"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-19
Choral music I

Dreams of love and sea, and Omens of an old madwoman by Rafael ESTÉVEZ (1963), Trístrophos de Lothar SIEMENS HERNANDEZ (1941), Miniature stations of Enrique GUIMERÁ CORBELLA (1954) and Madrigal de los campesinos de Gustavo TRUJILLO DELGADO (1972).
Performers: Polyphonic Choir of the University of La Laguna directed by Alfonso López Raymond. They also intervene in Omens… Ana Belén Gutiérrez Salas (piano), Juan Antonio Miñana Osca (percussion), José Juan Suárez González (percussion) and Rubén González Hernández (percussion).
Texts: Rosario Alvarez.
Sponsored by the Board of Music of the Cabildo de Tenerife and CajaCanarias.On
the cover: "Landscape" by Gonzalo González. + expand COVER
: DCD-132/Dep.leg: G.C. 1773-2000.
Coral production on the islands is very wide, especially for about four decades when the number of choirs increased considerably. This record is therefore a first approximation to the Canarian creation of this genre, which brings together works by four living composers from different generations. The Triptych of Lothar Siemens, produced in the early 1970s, is the oldest work, while the remaining ones have been created between 1996 and 2000. Complex works with interesting sound effects some of them, full of humor, tenderness or elegance others, all sum up the Canary creator thinking very well at the end of the millennium.
Play "Dreams of Love and The Sea"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-20
Xavier Zoghbi

Symphonies No. 1 and 2
Performers: Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria conducted by José Ramón Encinar and Adrian Lea
per.Texts: Guillermo García-Alca
lde Sponsors of production, Fundación Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria and Festival de Música de Canarias; of the edition, The Canary Museu
m On cover: "Trompa" of the series of 6 watercolors on musical instruments by Alberto Manrique.
+ expand coverRE
F: GR.0060-CD/123/Dep.leg:G.C.1663-2000
Included here are live recordings of the two symphonies written by the most prolific Canarian composer of all time, Xavier Zoghbi, whose immense production remains mostly still unpublished. The first symphony was commissioned by the Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra and premiered in May 1993, while the second was requested by the director of the Canary Islands Music Festival for its XIII edition, premiering in 1997. With a very personal language that kept it out of fashion trends in the 1980s, Zoghbi's work in the late 1990s is novel, engaging and immersed in the new trends of the turn of the century.
Play "Symphonies No. 1 and 2"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-21
The Romantic Lounge Piano I

Concert galop of Tybalt POWER LUGO-VIÑA (1848-1884), Night of Attilio LEY de la PEA (1844-1878), Valse and Les deux soeurs (polka-mazurka) by Francisco GUIGOU del CASTILLO (1835-1897), Romanza, Duetto, Manola (dance), Adriana (vals), Eulalia (mazurka), La playguetona (polka) and Galop de Juan REYES ARMAS (1857-1922), Esmeralda (mazurka) by Juan PADR RODRIGUEZ (1849.1896), Spanish Ballad by Mariano NAVARRO (1835-?), Polonesa by José GARCIA de la TORRE (1852-1918) , Nocturno de Andrés GARA de la TORRE (1854-1931), Vals canariote de Charles Camille Saint-Sa'ns (1835-1921), Capricho de concierto (in the form of waltz) and Chulapa (couplet-schotisch) by José HERNANDEZ SÁNCHEZ (1879-1955).
Performer: Sophia Unsworth
.Texts: Rosario Alvarez
.Sponsored by Domingo Alonso-AUDI.
On the cover: "Una sonata" by Manuel González Méndez.
+ expand COVER:
Pleasant and attractive walk through the most endearing fibers of the decimonic sensibility, where the most diverse genres appear, from the lightest dance pieces, some virtuosic (valses, mazurkas, polkas, dances, galops, etc.), to the intimate and expressive nocturnal and romanzas, passing by some characteristic Spanish piece and some whim, to end with the most modern couplet-schotisch. All of them are carriers of Latin grace and charm, which Sophia Unsworth has been able to extract from them. The nine authors depicted here orbit ones around Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Power, Guigou, Navarro, Reyes Armas and Padrón) and others around Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Law, brothers García de la Torre, Hernández Sánchez and also Reyes Armas in its last stage), to which is added the universal figure of Saint-Sa'ns for having dedicated his Vals Canariote to a remarkable grancancionaria during his winters.
Play "Concert Galop"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-22
Instrumental duets with piano I

Theme and variations for violin and piano by Manuel BONINO (1974), Sonatina for oboe and piano by Laura VEGA (1978), Sonata for clarinet and piano by Gloria Isabel RAMOSs TRIANO (1964), Sonata for cello and piano by Alberto MARTÍNEZ RAMOS (1968), "Baby Fae": Sonata for bassoon and piano by Francisco GONZELEZ AFONSO (1941) and Recitative, Time of minuetto and Fuga for bass and piano by Ricardo FERNANDEZ MEDINA (1965).
Performers: Symposium of chamber instrumentalists of Promuscán and Cosimte: Mariana Abacioae (violin), Francisco Martínez Ramos (piano), José Luis Pascual (oboe), Manuel Bonino (piano), Pier Luigi Bernard (Sophia Unsworth (piano), Juan Pablo Alemán (cello), Laura Vega (piano), Laura Leisring (bassoon), Sophia Unsworth (piano), Mario Rivero (double bass) and Sonia Lorenzo (piano). Tex
ts: Lothar Siemens HernándezPat
rocinated by El Museo Canario.On
the cover: "El árbol tripartito" by Francisco Javier García Cruz. + expand COVER
: DCD-164/Dep.leg:G.C. 1058-2001.
Record showing the most recent Canarian creation of duets, in which to the piano as a common denominator are added various instruments, string ones and wind-wood others, which in the recording have been ordered from the treble to the grave (violin, oboe, clarinet, cello, bassoon and double bass). Apart from the logical lyrical differentiation, they all accuse the personality of their authors, with very different languages and modes of expression.
Play "Theme and variations for violin and piano"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-23
Trios for string and piano (1927-1948)

Trio in doo m by Manuel BONNON GUERN (1898-1993), Trio in Si b by Juan Hidalgo CODORNIU (1927) and Canarian Suite for trio of Juan Alvarez GARCIA (1909-1954).
Performers: Trio Mompou formed by Luciano González Sarmiento (piano), Joan Lluis Jorda (violin) and Dimitar Furnadjiev (cello)
. Texts: Lothar Siemens Hernánde
z.Production Sponsors, Canary Islands Music Festival; and the edition, Aguas Minerales de Firgas S.A. On t
he cover: "Las Cañadas del Teide" by Martín González.
+ expand COVER:
These are the three most outstanding works of the genre written in the Canary Islands between 1926 and 1950, and present very different approaches. Bonnín's (1927) is the most ambitious of all, imbued with interwart neo-Romanticism and very difficult to execute (no one had dared until now), with a lush and overwhelming piano, which displays a rhetoric of wide breath. Hidalgo's (1948) is also the work of youth, very original in its contrasted movements with dodecafonic, anti-Lllist or popular Canarian brushstrokes, which already give glimpses to the later composer rupturist. The Canarian Suite (1932) by Alvarez García, on the other hand, is a minor work with longings of the land, in which it gives the popular Canarian themes (arrorró, isa and seguidilla) a new harmonic garment.
Play "Trio in do m"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-24
Thomas of Iriarte (1750-1791)
Melologist "Guzman el Bueno", Mateo Guerra (1735-1791): Two religious works (Villancico "Resonad mountains" and Salve regina).
Performers:Alberto Omar (actor), Choir and orchestra "Camerata de Tenerife" conducted by Mark Peters, Carlos Javier Méndez (tenor) and Dulce Ma Sánchez (soprano
). Texts: Miriam Alvarez and Rosario Alva
rezPatrocinated by CajaCanari
asA cover: Engraving of Canto V of the poem "La Música" by Tomás de Iriarte
.REF: DCD/167.Dep. Leg: GC 1062/2001.
Two works by two contemporary authors of a very diverse trajectory are gathered here. On the one hand, the dramatic-musical work (one of his few preserved musical works) of the universal poet, playwright and fabulist born in Tenerife, Tomás de Iriarte, whose life ran almost everything out of his land; and, on the other hand, the two scores that were missing on CD-08 to complete the short catalogue of the grancanario Mateo Guerra, who was attached as second organist to the music chapel of the Cathedral of Las Palmas. Of the three, Iriarte's long work may surprise to combine the declamation of an extremely dramatic text, designed to be gesturalized on a stage, with orchestral passages of deep feeling. It has the historical value of being the first preserved musical work of a Tenerife.
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-25
Orchestral works by Bernardino Valle (1849-1928) I

Canarian Symphony Suite, Poem of Discovery and Spanish Serenade.
Performers: St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra conducted by Alexei Shatskiy.
Texts: Lothar Siemens and Rosario Alvarez.
Sponsored by La Caja de Canarias.
On the cover: "Foundation of Santa Cruz de Tenerife" by Gumersindo Robayna.
+ expand coverRE
F: GR-0166-CD/Dep.leg:G.C.836-2001.
Monographic CD dedicated to Bernardino Valle, a prolific Aragonese author based from 1878 until his death (1928) in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where he was in charge of the Orchestra of the Philharmonic Society. Three of his multiple orchestral scores are gathered here, where he displays his colorful imagination through works of very disparate inspiration. The Canarian Suite is a high-flying symphonic score, in which the popular theme is a simple pretext to create an attractive and complex fabric; for its part, the Poem of the Discovery of America with its accompanying literary program, is a work of great drama in which the voice is absent; and finally, the short Spanish Serenade, is a summary of grace and good taste. This record helps to fill, even minimally, the great gap that exists on the Spanish symphonic production of the last third of the nineteenth century.
Play "Canarian Symphonic Suite"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-26
The Romantic Lounge Piano II

Theme with variations of Cyril OLIVERA OLIVERA (1830-1902), Polka-mazurka and Wals by Nicolás POWER ARROYO (1820-1884), Dance, Mazurca and Vals de Bartolomé POWER ARROYO (1823-1879), Polka-mazurka de Teobaldo POWER and LUGO-VIIA (child), Schotish de Teresa SAURN GRASS (1834-1923), Vals and Mathilde (schotisch) by Francisco GUIGOU del CASTILLO, Fantasy of Agustín MILLARES TORRES (1826-1896), Little Fantasy for Pillar of Cyril OLIVERA OLIVERA , The dawn of a new day by Mariano NAVARRO (1835-??), Remembrance of La Orotava (vals) and Las Camelias (tanda de rigodones) by Juan PADR-DER-Z (1849-1896), Dance of Fermina ENRÍQUEZ (ca.1875-ca.1950), The Devil in Dance (pol).fantasticka) by Andrés GARCIA de la TORRE (1854-1931), Elisabeth (habanera) by Eusebio NAVARRO RUIZ (1859-1906), Vals lento by José HERNANDEZ SÁNCHEZ (1879-1955), Cariños (Spanish) by Carmen MARTINON NAVARRO (1877-1947) , Bright Waltz of Tybalt POWER and LUGO-VIIA (1848-1884).
Performer: Sophia Unsworth.
Texts: Rosario Alvarez.S
ponsored by the Cabildo de Tenerife.On
the cover: Watercolor by Nicolás Alfaro.
+ expand COVER
: DCD/168.Dep. Leg: GC 1063/2001
Complete this record the vision of the romantic piano piano given on CD-21, including new authors and new works by composers already treated.
Play "Theme with Variations"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-27
Last guitarists of the 20th century

Clandestine Micropieces No. 1, 2 and 3 by Antonio GARCIA AUYANET (1968), Longing and Forever by Carlos SNCHEZ SU-REZ (1956), Irish Landscape No. 1 and 2 by NiKolaus Patrick WEBER COLLINS (1977), Capricho The Forest of Inagua by Mario RODRÍGUEZ RAMEZ (1961), Estancias y Estudios Marítimos No. 2 by Javier INFANTE CONTRERAS (1974), Suite Amares by Juan Carlos Perez BRITO (1962) , Study No. 4 "Antarctica", No. 3 "Mediterranean" and No.1 "Patagonia" by Leandro RAMOS PEA (1960).
Performers: The composers themselves, except the studios of Leandro RAMOS PEA, performed by Zaira Rodríguez Toledo.Tex
ts: Fernando Bautista Vizcaíno and Lothar Siemens Hernández
.Sponsored by The Canary Museum
On cover: "La guitarra" by Lola Massieu.
+ expand cover>R
This guitar CD offers examples of the production of both efrén Casañas' disciples and the youngest born in the 1970s. Although composed of members of very disparate ages, it is the generation of composers-guitarists hatched in the nineties, that of the end of the twentieth century. It is a set of individualities that expresses, from the intimacy of each one, a series of feelings very heterogeneous and attached to diverse aesthetics, and represents the set of globalizing currents of our time, in which styles are mixed, there are environmental concerns, an ambition tending to a world without borders, etc.
Play "Clandestine Micropieces No. 1, 2 and 3"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-28
Works for four-handed piano

Impromptu afrancessado by Daniel ROCA (1965), Fuga de Laura VEGA (1978), Binary Counterdanza of Elisha GERMAN (1938), Seven notes for a proposal by Ricardo FERNANDEZ (1965), Bagatela de Dori DÍAZ-JEREZ (1971), Zoe de Alberto MARTÍNEZ RAMOS (1968), Impromptu de Raquel CRISTÓBAL (1973), Amalgama by Enrique MATEU (1960), Tocattina 4 by Moisés R. SÁNCHEZ (1963), Three Portraits and a Reflection by Manuel BONINO (1974) and Juan Manuel MARRERO's Prístine Lascivia (1970).
Performers: Duo Sonia Lorenzo – David Cresp
oTextos: Lothar Siemens Hernánde
z.Sponsored by La Caja de Canarias
On the cover: "Head of thinker" by Martín Chirino. + expand coverR
It collects the current creations of Canarian composers belonging to the last generations, in four-handed piano works whose composition was stimulated by the components of the duo who performed them. The pieces are due to different aesthetic concerns, from the retrospective look to the dialogue with the new technologies applied to the composition. In the last work, by J. M. Marrero, a dialogue is established between the pianists and the electroacoustic support. In general, this whole repertoire is a remarkable contribution to contemporary piano literature for four-handed interpretation
Play "French Impromptu"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-29
Piano works by Tybalt Power

Canary songs, Gran Sonata, Staccato (concert studio), Cross hands (study), Octaves (study), Fraseo (study), Expression (study), Vals de Bravura, Memories of the past (R'verie), In the village, Romantic Capricho, Spanish Song and Scherzo.
Performer: Gustavo Díaz Jerez
Textos: Rosario Alvarez
Patrocinated by the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife
On the cover: Portrait of Juana Pallasar by Nicolás Alfaro + expand cover
REF: DCD/194. Dep. Leg: GC 95/2002.
It shows here much of the concert production of Tybalt Power and Lugo-Viña (1848-1884), the most emblematic of the composers of the Canary Islands for being the author of the famous Cantos Canarios, whose concert and didactic work also had national significance. This record includes works of great entity such as the Grand Sonata, the Scherzo and the Canarian Songs, Concert Studies, characteristic pieces and the Vals de Bravura, as an example of a large-packed dance piece. All of them are exponents of Romanticism prevailing in the second half of the nineteenth century and are developed under the guidelines of worldly entertainment, virtuosic exhibition and didactic exercise.
Play "Canary Songs"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-30
String Quartets, II

String Quartet No. 2 by Daniel ROCA ARENCIBIA (1968), Quartet "TOLHAR" by Angel-Fernando CURBELO JORGE (1966), String Quartet No. 1 by Laura VEGA SANTANA (1978), Cu String Quartet No. 1 by Manuel BONINO MEDINA (1974), String Quartet by Dori DÍAZ-JEREZ (1971) and Quartet "Vivencias del 29" by José BRITOEZ (1971)
Performers: Contemporary Quartet of Las Palmas
Textos: Lothar Siemens Hernánd
ezPatrocinated by The Canary M
useumIn cover: Acrylic paco Sánchez+ expand coverR
EF: DCD-225 / Dep. Leg.: GC-266-2005
Play "String Quartet No. 2"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-31
Blas Sanchez. Works for guitar (selection):

Dreamy foliage, harpy suite (Meditation. Baletto, as a recitative, Grave Cadence, Rio Grande), Chimeras No. 2, Ibero-American Suite (selection: I. Adolescence.- II. Guaireña.- VI. He's tucked in.- VII. Ostinato), Rhythmic Canary (Study 75), Seven Brushes (Reflections, Intimate Song, French Print, Fishing, Echoes of Solitude, The Candil Dance, the Last Note), Guernica 2 (Concert Studio)
Performers: PROMUSCAN Guitar Concert pianists Symposium (Elena Martín Hidalgo, César Cruz Rodríguez, Antonio García Auyanet, Guayasent Muñoz García, Benjamín Domínguez Montesdeoca, Víctor Batista Velásquez), coordin
ated by Fernando Bautista Vizcaíno.Texts: Blas Sánchez, Fernando Bautista Vizcaíno,
Mario Rodríguez Ramírez and L
othar Siemens HernándezPatrocinado by La Caja de CanariasAAAAA + expand coverR
EF: DCD-207/Dep.Leg:GC-721-2003
This CD collects the musical thinking of Blas Sánchez Hernández (Ingenio, Gran Canaria, 1935), in a selection of his extensive production for solo guitar. Adscribed to a personal aesthetic of Baroque roots, popular and a Hispanic American tropicalism, Blas Sánchez shows a tendency to the diaphanous and close without forgetting its deepest Canarian roots and an interesting curiosity for the contemporary, offering us a suggestive and beautiful personal world.
Play "Dreamy Foliage"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-32
Piano works by composers from Gran Canaria (1976-2001)

Aura Light, Vibration and Ananké by Juan José FALCON SANABRIA (1936), Studio No. 1 (four versions: Original version, Expressive, Staccatto, Tremolo), Study No. 5 and Study No. 6 by Daniel ROCA (1965), Two-Voice Inventions for Piano (Canon by opposite movement on note "do", Canon to tritone, Melody on ostinate bass, Chromatic scale of 8a+5o, Water Drops) by Xavier ZOGHBI (1954) , Fremore (fantasy) by Juan Manuel RUIZ (1968), Four Piano Pieces by Laura VEGA (1978), Invention and A Reflection by Manuel BONINO (1974), Vals for Toy Piano and The Sound Computer of Carlos CRUZ DE CASTRO (1941).
Performer: Manuel Escalante (piano).
Texts: Lothar Siemens Hernández.
Sponsored by The Canary Museum with the collaboration of the University Foundation of Las Palmas.
On the cover: "Lunaria" series by Valme García.
+ expand COVER
: INEXART-002-CD / Dep. Leg: GC-129-2004.
This CD includes the production of a heterogeneous group of composers from Gran Canaria from the beginning of the democratic era to today. We will find very diverse sensitivities and concerns; also a lot of poetic and thoughtful burden, and a lot of imagination. Of different ages, formations and concerns, they are all expressed from their most intimate needs of artistic externalization. Their results are complex some and subtle others; but we will verify that all of them are left over with talent, capacity and intellectual depth.
Play "Aura Light"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-33
Symphonic works for band II:

Poenitentiacite (symphonic poem) by José Manuel ENCINOSO FERNANDEZ (1969), Ser herreño de Agustín RAMOS RAMOS (1941), Caserío de San Juan (overture) by Francisco GONZÁLEZ AFONSO (1941), Momentos id By Angel Fernando CURBELO JORGE (1966), From the Teide to Orinoco (Canary-Venezuelan rhapsody) by Arístides PÉREZ FARIIA (1934) and Sextando de Ramón GONZELEZ ENRÍQUEZ (1925).
Performer: Banda Municipal de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, directed by its authors, except those of González Afonso and Pérez Fariña, in which he directed Felipe Neri Gil M
arrero.Texts: Rosario A
lvarez.Sponsored by the Autonomous Agency of Culture of the City of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
On the cover: "Apunte de Vilaflor" by Máximo Escobar.
+ expand portadabr />REF: DCD-189/Dep.Leg: GC 446/2002
Panorama of the current creation for band in Tenerife with works not circumstantial but concert, hence their breadth and their creative development. In each of them the tendencies and styles of its authors are manifested, with some inclinations towards folkloric themes.
Play "Poenitentiacite"
Music creation in the Canary Islands, CD-34
Enrique Mateu. Pandora (Electroacoustic Suite, 1992)

Viola d'or, Pianoforte, Flautorsion, Percutnosis, Photos, Spanish Suite, Percunoia, Violation.
Texts: Enrique Mateu Villavicencio and Lothar Siemens Hernández.
Sponsored by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria with the collaboration of PROMUSCAN. On t
he cover: "It's never always like this," infographic by Jacco van der Hoek.
+ expand coverRE
Having dabbled in various fields of musical experimentation, Enrique Mateu's production addresses the most varied styles, both speculative and commercial, with a significant burden of techniques derived from new technologies and always with a aftertaste "new age" very much in line with the times of the postmodern open culture that has been used to live. Performed in the composer's home studio in 1992, with the meager technical means of that time, the Pandora electroacoustic suite is a series of personal and differentiated expression that is revealed to us, more than a decade, as a living witness to his innovative and bold vocation, at the service of a scridial ingenuity and a new beauty
Play "Viola d'or…"
Overtures and concerting works with orchestra of the central period of the nineteenth century, I

Overture for orchestra "La tempestad" by Domingo CRISANTO DELGADO (1806-1856), Verse for cello and orchestra of Cristóbal-José MILLARES PADRON (1774-1846), Variations for clarinet and string and Variations for flute and orchestra of Agustín MILLARES TORRES (1826-1826-1866-1846), Variations for clarinet and string and Variations for flute and orchestra of Agustín MILLARES TORRES (1826-186-1846), Variations for clarinet and string and Variations for flute and orchestra of Agustín MILLARES TORRES (1826-186-1846), Variations for clarinet and string and Variations for flute and orchestra of Agustín MILLARES TORRES (1826-186-1846), Variations for clarinet and string and Variations for flute and orchestra of Agustín MILLARES TORRES (1826-186-1846), Variations for clarinet and string and Variations for flute and 1896), Cousin's verse for cello and string by Benito LENTINI MESSINA (1793-1846), Eighth varied air for violin and string by Manuel SNCHEZ (1804-1871) and Capricho for flute and orchestra of Bernardino VALLE CHINESTRA (1848-1928)
Performers: Jean-Fran'ois Doumerc and Dobrina Gospodinoff (flute), Radovan Cavallin (clarinet), Carmen Brito López (violin), Carlos Rivero (cello) and Orchestra "Béla Bartók" conducted by José Brito López
Textos: Lothar Siemens Hernández. Rosario Alvarez Martíne
zPatrocinated by the MAPFRE Guanarteme Foundat
ionIn cover: "The Cathedral of Santa Ana" by Jane Millares + expand cover
REF: DCD-236 / Dep. Leg.: GC-118-2007
Play "Overture for Orchestra The Tempest"
Gustavo Díaz Jerez: Camera Works

Sidhe, Sonata for viola and piano, Trio for violin, cello and piano and Zenith
Performers: Celia Alcedo (soprano), Francisco García Castro (flute), Ségoléne Brutin (arpa), Eva Sánchez and José Luis Gómez (violin), Sviatoslav Belongov (viola), Raúl Pinillos and Naomí Barron (cello), and Gustavo Díaz Jerez, Belinda Sánchez
and Jesús Pinillos (piano)Te
xts: Rosario Alvarez MartínezPat
rocinado by Domingo Iron", "Atlantic Heroes Series" by Pepe Dámaso + expand coverR
EF: DCD-226 / Dep. Leg.: GC-121-2006
Play "Sidhe"
The pianoforte in the first half of the 19th century

Sonata in L major by José PALOMINO (1755-1810), Sonatas No. 1 and 2 by Cristóbal-José MILLARES PADRON (1774-1846), Overture, Symphony and Mozart's Varied Mozart Theme by Benito LENTINI MESSINA (1793-1846), and Varied and Walking Martial Air with Variations by John VALLADARES (1795?-1862?)
Performer: Ainoa Padró
nTextos: Rosario Alvarez Martín
ezPatrocinado by CajaCanarias and the Cabildo de El
Hierro On cover: "Family concert" (detail) by Rogelio de Eguszquiza Barrena + expand cover
REF: DCD-237 / Dep. Leg.: GC-119-2007
Play "Sonata in L major"
José Palomino (1755-1810): Six responsibility for the Christmas maitines

Performers: Carlos Javier Méndez (tenor), Toni Gubau (alto), Juan José Hernández (baritone), Camerata Lacunensis and Instrumental Group La Regency, Led by Emilio TabraueTexto
s: Rosario Alvarez Martínez and Lourdes Bonnet Fernández-TrujilloPa
trocinated by the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Vidrieras Canari
asA on cover: Cristóbal Hernández de Quintana's "Sagrada Familia" + expanded cover
REF: DCD-239 / Dep. Leg.: GC-121-2007
Play "Six responsibility for the maitines…"
Enrique Guimerá: Symphony of the Volcano – Rafael Estevez: Mercury, the Island and the Sea

Performers: Chamber Choir of Tenerife and Choir of the Conservatory of Tenerife conducted by Carmen Cruz Simó, and Tenerife Symphony Orchestra conducted by Eduardo Fernández-Calda
sTextos: Rosario Alvarez Martínez, Enrique Guimerá Corbella and Jerónimo Saavedra Aceve
doPatrocinated by Teleférico del Teide and the Chamber of Commerce of Santa Cruz de Te
nerifeIn cover: "Las Cañadas del Teide" by Manuel Martín González + expand cove
rREF: DCD-232 / Dep. Leg.: GC-127-2006
Play "Volcano Symphony"
Composers of the Cathedral of St. Anne (16th-XVIII centuries): Ancient polyphony for Easter

Fair Mass at 5 and 6 voices attributed to Ambrosio LÓPEZ (1532-1590), In exitu Israel by Ambrosio LÓPEZ, Nos autem and La Pasión according to San Juan de Melchor CABELLO (1588-1678), and Sciens Iesus de Diego DURÓN (1653-1731)
Performers: Ensemble Vocal "Carlos Patiño" directed by Emilio Tabraue
Textos: Lothar Siemens Hernánde
zPatrocinated by La Caja de Canaria
sIn cover: "Portapaz de los Obispos" attributed to Francisco Becerril + cover expand
REF: DCD-243 / Dep. Leg.: GC-125-2007
Play "Fair Mass at 5 and 6 voices"
Composers of the Cathedral of St. Anne (1630-1650)

Mass from fourth tone to eight, Psalm 109 to seven, Psalm 111 to eight, Psalm 115 to eleven, Hymn "Gloria et honor" to four, "Surge propera" to eight, "Tota pulchra" to seven and "Cum complerentur" to eight by Manuel de TAVARES (1585-1638), Work for ministriles to four by Nicolás TAVARES DE OLIVERA (ca. 1615-1648) and "Nunc dimittis" to six from Francisco REDONDO (ca. 1616-post. 1650)
Performers: Vocal group "Odhecaton" directed by Paolo da ColT
extos: Lothar Siemens Hernández
Patrocinated by the Canary Islands Music Festival and La Caja de Canari
asThe cover: "The Ascension of Christ" by Peter van Lint + expand cover
REF: DCD-249 / Dep. Leg.: GC-191-2008
Play "Fourth Tone Mass to Eight…"
Composers: concert songs

As they will say that I was from Cecilia DÍAZ-PESTANO (1982), Aspiration of Ylenia Alvarez GIL (1980), It is you who inspires me, Interlude, If Truly True and Postludio by Laura VEGA SANTANA (1978), My Love and Trondhein by Raquel CRISTÓBAL RAMOS (1973), Shipwreck and Limits of Dori DÍAZ-JEREZ (1971), Summer of Gloria Isabel RAMOS TRIANO (1964), Sad Songs of Lourdes SUREZ CORREA (1962) , I would like and Serení de Blanca B'EZ DE SILVA (1920), Children's songs (selection) by Emma MARTONEZ DE LA TORRE (1889-1981) and Serenade Española de Carmen MARTINON NAVARRO (1877-1947)
Performers: María Orán (soprano) and Chiky Martín (piano)T
exts: Rosario Alvarez MartínezPat
rocinated by the Assistance of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Canary
IslandsIn cover: "Miradas" by Marta Vega + expand cove
rREF: DCD-240 / Dep. Leg.: GC-112-2007
Play "How they'll Say I Was"
Composers of the Cathedral of St. Anne (1661-1674)

"Dixit Dominus" to twelve, "Beatus vir" to eight, "Laudate Dominum" to eight, "Salve Regina" at eight, "Qui habitat" to seven, "Regina coeli laetare" to four, "Beatus es" to eight and "Cum incucerent" to Miguel de YOLDI (1634?-1674), "Te Joseph celebrant" four and flat juan GONZELNEZ MOUNTAIN (1633-1710), and "Magnificat" from sixth pitch to eight, "Joseph fili David" to eight , "Salve Regina" to five, "Videns crucem" to eight and "Magnificat" of seventh tone eight from Juan de FIGUEREDO Figueredo (m. 1674)
Performers: Vocal group "Odhecaton" directed by Paolo da ColTe
xtos: Lothar Siemens HernándezPa
trocinated by the Canary Islands Music Festival and La Caja de Canarias
A On cover: "The Apparition of the Virgin to San Bernardo" by Félix Catello + expand cove
rREF: DCD-252 / Dep. Leg.: GC-194-2008
Play "Dixit Dominus"
Francisco Brito Báez: Six chamber works

The Blackbird, The Immoral, E-Immigration, Vegueta, Schamann and In the Country of the Pond
Performers: Jean-Fran'ois Doumerc (flute), Manfred Stedler (oboe), Radovan Cavallin (clarinet), Emily Sparrow (bassoon), José Zarzo (trumpet), Carlos Parra and Adrián Marrero (violin), Irina Ivanova and Misha Legher (viola Paula Hernández (cello), and Juan Francisco Parra (pia
no)Texts: Laura V
egaPatrocinated by the Canary Islands Music Festival and La Caja de Ca
nariasIn the cover: Oil on untitled canvas by Ana García Alvarez + expand cover
REF: DCD-248 / Dep. Leg.: GC-190-2008
Play "The Blackbird, The Immorals,…"
Guitar works by Miguel Angel Linares, Lothar Siemens, Juan José Olives, Armando Alfonso, Juan Manuel Ruiz and Santiago Reig

Rites by Michelangelo LINARES (1961), Modes of Rhetoric by Lothar SIEMENS HERNANDEZ (1941), Style of the Palm by Carlos PUIG-HATEM (1968), Six Short Pieces by Juan José OLIVES (1941), 1951), Five pieces for guitar by Armando ALFONSO (1931), Rapsodia Tinamar by Juan Manuel RUIZ (1968) and Arrorró herreño by Santiago REIG PASCUAL (1921)
Performers: Esther María González Hernández, César Cruz Rodríguez, Sergio Hernández Ramos, Antonio Ventura Pérez, Víctor-Jesús Landeira Sánchez, José María Ramírez Martín and Antonio J. García Auyan
etTextos: Pompey Pérez Día
zPatrocinado by La Caja de Canarias
On the cover: Paco Juan Déniz's "Travel Companion"
REF: DCD-253 / Dep. Leg. 195-2008
Play "Rites"
Overtures and concerting orchestral works of the 19th century, II

Verse 2o by Nona for flute and orchestra of Benito LENTINI and MESSINA (1820), Concerto for orchestra No. 16 by Carlos GUIGOU i PUJOL (ca. 1833), Overture for large orchestra of Agustín MILLARES TORRES (1845), Verse for trombone, figle and string orchestra of Benito LENTINI and MESSINA (1845), 2nd Varied air for violin and accompaniment of Manuel SÁNCHEZ (ca. 1842-46), Overture for the Industrial Exhibition of Agustín MILLARES TORRES (1862) and Serenade Canaria for orchestra by Bernardino VALLE CHINESTRA (1890)
Performers: Orchestra "Béla Bartók" conducted by José Brito LópezT
extos: Lothar Siemens Hernández and Isidoro Santana Gil
Patrocinated by the MAPFRE Guanarteme Foundation
On the cover: "The Cathedral of Santa Ana since the Pilgrim" by A. Martínez de Escobar
-ERR:REF-NOT-FOUND-+ expand cover
REF: DCD-266 / Dep. Leg. GC-1205-2009
Play "Nona's 2nd verse for flute…"
New works for clarinet and piano

Metaimpromptu I by Manuel BONINO MEDINA (1974), Sonata for clarinet and piano by Raquel CRISTÓBAL RAMOS (1973), Bentayga by Juan Manuel RUIZ GARCIA (1968), Three pieces for clarinet and piano by Gustavo DÍAZ-JEREZ (1970), Insolence by Juan Manuel MARRERO RIVERO (1970) and Lament of The Day of Gustavo A. TRUJILLO DELGADO (1972)
Performers: Cristo Barrios (clarinet) and Evelyn Chang (piano
)Texts: Rosario Alvarez Martínez
Patrocinated by COSIMTE and El Museo Canar
io On cover: "The Eye of the Poet" (fragment) by Gonzalo González + expand cover
REF: DCD-257 / Dep. Leg.: GC-033-2009
Play "Metaimpromptu I"
Juan Manuel MARRERO: Physiognomy of the Fall

Réflexions électroniques au sommet des certitudes, Fall Physiognomy, Caprices épisodiques, Lascivia prístina II, Divertimento I, Final Tables, Le troisi-me oeil
Texts: Guillermo García-AlcaldePa
trocinated by the Government of the Cana
ry IslandsIn cover: "Physionomy of the fall" by Jacco van den Hoek + expand cove
rREF: DCD-263 / Dep. Leg.: GC-039-2009
Play "Reflexions électroniques…"
Laura Vega

"In Paradisum" concerto for piano and orchestra, "Images of an Island" for orchestra and gomero whistle and "Concerto for oboe and two orchestral groups"
Performers: Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, Las Palmas Symphony Orchestra and Gran Canaria Philharmonic OrchestraT
extos: Lothar Siemens Hernández and Guillermo García-Alc
aldePatrosed by El Museo Canari
oAin cover: "Cosmocrator" by Guillermo Lorenzo + expand cover
REF: DCD-285 / Dep. Leg.: GC-338-2011
Play "In seemingly infinite countries…"
Diego Durón (1653-1731): Polyphonic carols for st. Anne's Cathedral

It's all admirations, Hear the Clarion, The Lily of the Valleys, In the Victory of Buddha, Joyful Norasgoods, To the Portal, Zagalejos!, To Redeem Man, Those Blacks Who Made
Performers: Academy of Ricercare directed by Pietro BuscaText
os: Lothar Siemens HernándezPatr
ocinated by the Box of the Canary Is
landsIn cover: "Adoration of the shepherds" of Gaspar de Quevedo + expand cove
rREF: DCD-264 / Dep. Leg.: GC-1203-2009
Play "Everything Is Admirations"
Guitar duets

The Return of Leandro RAMOS, Tribute of Miguel Angel LINARES, SPIB by Sergio HERNANDEZ, Sonata by Ernesto MATEO, Contact and Integration of Aga UMPIÉRREZ, 3 cant-ossss by Gonzalo D. YERRO and Vesper of San Juan de Víctor LANDEIRA
Performers: Zaira Rodríguez Toledo, Esther González Hernández, Sergio Hernández Ramos, Víctor Landeira Sánchez, David Pablos González, José María Ramírez Martín (guitar), José María Manrique de Lara (oboe), Brett Kronewitter (viola), Ana Cecilia Ramírez Espinosa (flute), Vicky Chu, Néstor Henríquez (violin), Silvestre Ramírez Espinosa (laudino), Ivanoff Rodríguez Pérez (bass), Radovan Cavallin (clarinet) and María Elena Marr
ero (cello)Texts: Fernando Bauti
sta VizcaínoPatrocinado by Caja d
e Canarias On cover: "Manquí Músico de Gregorio Toledo + expan
d cover: DCD-263 / Leg.: GC-039-2009
Play "Return"
Poetic and soundscapes Music for flute and Canarian poetry

Architecture of your thinking for flute and cello by Laura VEGA (1978-) and Pedro GARCIA CABRERA (1905-1981), The Puppet Dogs of Fran BELNAP LONG (1901-1994), On the other side for single flute by Ernesto MATEO (1981-), White Poem by José María MILLARES (1921-2009), Hypss by Gonzalo DÍAZ YERRO (1977-), De Militas Amoris de Tina SU'REZ (1971-), Gent-Ar for flute in sun by Gonzalo DÍAZ YERRO (1977-) , The geography unit of Justo Jorge PADRON (1943-), Diphda for flute and tape by Manuel BONINO (1974-), Untitled by Paula NOGALES (1966), Nous for single flute by Gustavo DÍAZ JEREZ (1970-), To Thomas Tallis de Andrés S.S. ROBAINA (1952-), Come-on for flute, vibraphone, lyre and piano by Ernesto MATEO (1981-), The First Poet on the Moon of Peter FLORES (1968-) , Crystals for flute and piano by Ernesto MATEO (1981-).
Performers: Beatriz Brito (recitator), Sara Brito (flute), Ernesto Mateo (piano), Paula Piñero (percussion), Carlos Rivero (cello) and Tania Rodríguez (pia
no). Sponsored by PROMU
SCANIn cover: "Wet Structures-No. 80" by Joserroman Mora + Expand coverR
EF: DCD-332 / Dep. Leg.: G.C.-102-2016
Play "Architecture of your thinking for flute and cello"